Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Flying by the seat of my pants

This is pretty much my creed on life. I am rarely formally prepared for anything. I study for tests in school as little as necessary.I don't do a lot of research for projects. I just go with it.
When I write for my blog, I just write.
That is just my way.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Springtime in the Ozarks

I love spring in Missouri.
Redbuds and Dogwoods blooming.
Daffodils, Tulips and Iris's all erupting in a rainbow of color.

Warm breezes, chirping birds, capri's and sandals.

I love when the first tiny, green leaves start to bud out of the trees.
I know longer, warmer days or not far off.

Hurry Spring. I miss you!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow.

I have toyed with the idea of putting in a garden.

But I am reluctant. I have a black thumb.
A big, black, plant killing thumb.

I have tried to grow plants in the past. Sigh.
Poor plants, they never did anything to anyone.
To live such a short life to die a horrible strangulating death from lack of water.

Did you know, I killed an aloe vera plant once?
A cactus!
They thrive in some of the most inhospitable environments on Earth.
And I bring one home and proceed to torture it to death.

My Mom is a great gardener.
She can throw a seed onto the concrete and it will grow into a flowering vision of beauty.

I think Mom devotes so much time to her gardening because she hates to mow.
Slowly, she is filling her yard with flower beds and lilly ponds. I believe the reason behind this is to cut WAAAY down on the mowable yardage.

I mentioned my garden idea to Randy the other day, he just laughed.

He knows me to well.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy!!

I have been remiss in my postings.

I have been in a rough state of mind during the month of February.
I have been ill and down in the dumps.
Maybe suffering from some seasonal depression.

But the sun is shining now and life IS good.
I am feeling so much better.

Physically and emotionally.

Have a great day!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Am I the reincarnation of Lucy Ricardo??

I don't think there is really anyone over the age of 30 who does not know "I Love Lucy." For those you young whipper snappers that don't, "I Love Lucy" was a great, if not the greatest sitcom of all time. Lucille Ball was the star along with her real life husband Desi Arnaz. Together they played Ricky and Lucy Ricardo a 1940's, New York couple. Ricky was a Big Band leader and Lucy was your atypical house wife with a penchant for ridiculous hilarity.

Now, I am not married to a HOT Cuban band leader (he is a HOT exCalifornian) but there ends the differences.
If you have something valuable that CAN NOT get broken, well when I walk by it will find its way into several pieces.

Let me give you the perfect "Lucy" scenario. Many years ago, my own personal "Ethel" and I were driving along when the car just stopped. After several tries to start it, Wendy (my Ethel) ran down the street to borrow her boyfriends car. Now our car was a junky, piece o junk VW bug. Kevin's car on the other hand, was a beautiful, nearly brand new Chevy Lemans. Together, we formulated the brainiac plan to push the Bug with the Lemans.

Can you see where this is headed? It does not really take a rocket scientist to figure out that this would not end pretty.

And it didn't.

It started out beautifully. Wendy was in the Lemans, seeing as it was her boyfriends car, it seemed fitting. I was in the Bug, and it was moving forward. We really only needed to move it about a block into a parking lot. We make it about 10, maybe 15 feet. There was sort of a thump and a grinding sound. Wendy put on the brake thinking that the Bug would roll forward.

Uh uh.

She popped it into reverse, and backed up. So did I.

But I wasn't in reverse.

I was still in drive.

More grinding and scraping. Metal on metal is not good at any time. We tried several more, unsuccessful maneuvers. But those cars were stuck

The spirits of Lucy and Ethel were very successful. We were good and stuck, minus the cameras and the laugh track. We did have an audience though. And they were laughing. All except Kevin.
Poor man. He was unaware of his "role" in our sitcom.

He did not get it that he was supposed to say some witty remark and get humorous but gentle revenge on us.

Instead, he chose to take the low road, and get pissy and ignorant over the Bug imprint on his front bumper.

Thank God he did not sue!!!

Now, when ever something insanely goofy, and outrageously unbelievable happens to me, I would swear I can hear the voice of Ricky Ricardo emanating from a tv signal decades past, "Luuucy" followed immediately by whisp of a breeze and the unmistakable scent of henna.

Well, I know Lucy has come calling.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"I am going to kick you A#@!"

I know that at first glance, this sounds like a threat.
But, you have to be able to read between the lines in order to translate.

"I am going to ( I was wrong) kick your a#@ ( and I am sorry)!"
I believe that I mentioned in yesterday's post that Randy has a unique way of apologizing.

And this is it.

I don't know if this holds true with all men. I can only judge by my own man. He does not LIKE to say "I'm sorry" or " I was wrong", out loud.

But I have learned over the years to read through the words to the meaning behind it.
It is always said with just a hint of humility and humor.
And since I understand the meaning of these words, it makes me smile.

A Pile of Love

What is the first thing you think about when February rolls around?
Roses, mushy Valentines Day cards, red velvet hearts and chocolate.
Mmmmm, chocolate………
Oh, uh sorry. I got sidetracked for a second.

And Love.

What does it mean to truly love someone?

I think in today’s world, love gets a romanticized view.
It is not that I think that love is not romantic, it totally can be.
But it just can’t be moonlight and roses, champagne and chocolates at every turn.
Morning comes.
And with it comes eye buggers, bad breath and the inevitable hair curling gas passing.

In my mind, it is so much more than just the fluttery stomach,
first kiss tingles that make up true love.
How many times have you heard “ I just fell out of love with _____________”

Fell out of love?

That sounds like an accident right there.
“I fell out of bed.”
“I fell out of the truck.”
"I fell out of a plane and I didn’t have a parachute on.”

Which in turn, leaves the falling IN love equally distasteful .
Like falling into a pile of something .

I think we try to make love much more complicated than it needs to be.

My husband and I have a few things that we ALWAYS do.
We say “I love you” every time one of us leaves to go any where, or talk on the phone.
We also, kiss goodnight , goodbye and hello.
We hug.
We take responsibility for our actions.
We say we are sorry. ( Randy has a distinctive way of doing it, but it means the same.)

I have a disclaimer.

We are not perfect.
Perfection exists only in the movies and the occasional greeting card.
I didn’t trip into a pile of love with my man.

I learned to love him.
Randy and I have been together 10 years.
I still look at him in all his glorious imperfection and smile.

He is beautiful.

And I love him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rest in Peace, Miep Gies

Miep Gies passed away yesterday. I did not recognize her name, but I knew a bit of her story.
She, along with 20,000 other Dutch citizens, risked their lives and the lives of their families to hide Jews during World War 2.
Miep Gies, her sister Bep and two others, hid the Otto Frank family in a secret annex inside the factory where they worked. For two years they cared for this family and kept it secret. Two years. I am floored by the courage these people displayed. 20,000 Dutch citizens hid 20,000+ Jews from the Nazi's
They risked their own lives and their families lives to save their neighbors and countrymen.
Could I do the same?
If a neighbor came to me and said "I am being persecuted for my beliefs and if caught I will be sent to a prison where I will be burned alive, or gassed, or starved, or have and insane doctor do horrific experiments on me and my family."
What would I do?
My heart would be screaming "Take them in!!"
My head would be reeling over the horror and injustice!
But somewhere, in my head or in my heart there would be a huge and inescapable fear.
What if we are caught, then we will suffer the same fate of prison that my neighbor faces.
My heart is screaming "Take the risk, if caught we will have stood for something bigger than myself."
But the rest of my family? Can I make that decision for them? My husband could decide for himself. But what about my children? Can I put them at risk for this cause?
And yet, during World War 2, thousands of people, like you and me, were asked to do this very thing.
I'm sure these same fears and questions ran through the minds of each and everyone of those who chose to help and hide Jews during this time.
But they did it anyway.
They served their fellow man at the risk of their own freedom and lives.
To all those people who risk it all to do what they feel in their hearts is the right thing,
Thank you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To make resolutions, or not to make resolutions. That is the question.

January of every year starts out exactly the same. I make resolutions that I truly deep down in pit of my being, I know I will not keep. "I resolve to.... fill in the blank. My blank has ALWAYS been filled in with "lose weight". This year I resolve to make no resolutions. I will make goals and a plan in which to achieve those goals.


1. To write a blog post at least once per week.

2. To save money for the furthering of some education.

3. Futher my education.

4 I will add excercise to my life at least 3 times per week.

5. Self-feed. For those who don't know, self-feeding is spiritual improvement and study.

It is a short list, I know, but I have to start slow.