Sunday, March 20, 2011

My bathroom revamp

The bathrooms in my house are just bland. I want to give them a sprucing up with marble, rich fabrics, expensive hardware, and just plain glamour on a mac and cheese budget. Hmmmmm? What to do? I know! I will paper the crap out of it. No, no, not WALL paper, brown wrapping paper. So here is the before photo. 

Pretty bland, right? Standard contractor grade stuff. Enter an amazing idea that I got from here, who got the idea from there. It was soooo cool looking, I had to try it out. But I did not want to commit to the whole floor, so I attacked the counter top.   

I apologize for the dark appearance of the photo, but now that the counter is dark it is not reflecting as much light and I was much to lazy to go get the tripod to take the photo. 
The only difference I made to the tutorial instructions was to 
use "pecan" colored stain and poly all in one. I love the richness of the color. Oh and ignore the drips of poly in the sink, I will get that with some acetone later today.

I have applied 3 coats of polyurethane to it already and I discovered a little spot that is lifted, so today I am going to apply some poly and set a weight on it and give it another coat tonight before bed. 
Now on to the new decorative shower curtains. 
More bathroom revamp to come.
Tip Junkie handmade projects

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This is are some rings that I am currently working on.
 I love the wrap rings. When I made my first ones, I did not have a ring mandrel, so I used an apple corer. I worked great, but only made a size 10 ring. Which fit my forefinger nicely.

Just me.

Hello and welcome! my name is Kendra, and I live in the great state of Missouri in a little town called Springfield. I am a wife of one and the Mom of three, aka "chief cook and bottle washer" I am so working towards being a full time stay at home Mom/crafter.
 I really enjoy the creative process. I love to make "stuff." Sometimes that stuff comes out great! Other times, well, maybe not so much. But I try none the less.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Flying by the seat of my pants

This is pretty much my creed on life. I am rarely formally prepared for anything. I study for tests in school as little as necessary.I don't do a lot of research for projects. I just go with it.
When I write for my blog, I just write.
That is just my way.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Springtime in the Ozarks

I love spring in Missouri.
Redbuds and Dogwoods blooming.
Daffodils, Tulips and Iris's all erupting in a rainbow of color.

Warm breezes, chirping birds, capri's and sandals.

I love when the first tiny, green leaves start to bud out of the trees.
I know longer, warmer days or not far off.

Hurry Spring. I miss you!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow.

I have toyed with the idea of putting in a garden.

But I am reluctant. I have a black thumb.
A big, black, plant killing thumb.

I have tried to grow plants in the past. Sigh.
Poor plants, they never did anything to anyone.
To live such a short life to die a horrible strangulating death from lack of water.

Did you know, I killed an aloe vera plant once?
A cactus!
They thrive in some of the most inhospitable environments on Earth.
And I bring one home and proceed to torture it to death.

My Mom is a great gardener.
She can throw a seed onto the concrete and it will grow into a flowering vision of beauty.

I think Mom devotes so much time to her gardening because she hates to mow.
Slowly, she is filling her yard with flower beds and lilly ponds. I believe the reason behind this is to cut WAAAY down on the mowable yardage.

I mentioned my garden idea to Randy the other day, he just laughed.

He knows me to well.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy!!

I have been remiss in my postings.

I have been in a rough state of mind during the month of February.
I have been ill and down in the dumps.
Maybe suffering from some seasonal depression.

But the sun is shining now and life IS good.
I am feeling so much better.

Physically and emotionally.

Have a great day!!