Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To make resolutions, or not to make resolutions. That is the question.

January of every year starts out exactly the same. I make resolutions that I truly deep down in pit of my being, I know I will not keep. "I resolve to.... fill in the blank. My blank has ALWAYS been filled in with "lose weight". This year I resolve to make no resolutions. I will make goals and a plan in which to achieve those goals.


1. To write a blog post at least once per week.

2. To save money for the furthering of some education.

3. Futher my education.

4 I will add excercise to my life at least 3 times per week.

5. Self-feed. For those who don't know, self-feeding is spiritual improvement and study.

It is a short list, I know, but I have to start slow.

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